What's New!

Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp 2025! July 13-20 (Week 1), July 20-27 (Week 2). Click here for more information. 

Mission Experience. The 2024 Mission Experience to the Philippines was a tremendous blessing. Click here to view photos from the trip. Do you want to experience sharing Jesus in the foreign mission field? Join our team of young people sharing the Gospel in the Philippines in 2026! Click here for more information. 

Need a spiritual boost during these uncertain days? How about free YD magazines! A free download of the YD magazine is available each week until further notice. Click here for more information. 

Truth 4 Youth in new languages! This popular, easy-to-use evangelistic program for kids is now available in English, French, Spanish, Yoruba, and Korean! If you are planning an evangelistic series either at home or abroad, don't neglect the children. Instead, reach them with Truth 4 Youth! If you would like to see this program in another language, and you have translation skills, please contact the YD office.


YD Magazine Guidelines for Authors and Illustrators

Interested in writing or drawing for Young Disciple Magazine? Head to our Contributor Guidelines, under the "Magazine" tab at the top of the page, to find out what we are looking for.

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